Owning Your Dream & Bringing Your Vision to Life
I remember when I was volunteering at a health retreat in Australia and I was thinking of becoming a coach, in secret. I thought about it alllllll the time but I’d never actually spoken it out loud before or shared it with anyone apart from my partner (now husband). Now I won’t spill the beans just yet - you gotta listen to the full ep for the full story - but what I learnt from this experience was a game changer for me in terms of manifestation. I’d been missing this crucial part of manifestation and I don’t want you to missed this step either.
Manifestation - Trusting + Holding The Vision Even When You're Not Seeing Results
How do you hold onto trust and continue to take action toward your goal or your vision when you’re not seeing the results!? It’s tough right?! But this is the key to manifestation, to hold strong on your vision even when it’s really challenging or doubt creeps in, or something tells you’re crazy, or when you have NO evidence this is even possible for you…
What To Focus On In Business For More Impact in 2025
When it feels like there are a million things you COULD do in business, there’s always that question of what should I be focusing on to have more impact, right? Well today, I am answering that question team! In fact, I am sharing the top things I think all soul-led business owners need to focus on this year in terms of their marketing and content, as well as their offers. And most importantly, I’d invite you to listen to this through the lens of ‘How can I apply this to MY unique business?’
Energy Forecast for 2025 with Amy Masters
She’s back! The incredible Amy Masters is back on the show sharing her energetic forecast how you can thrive in 2025! Amy weaves astrology, numerology, and her psychic intuitive guidance in today’s episode to bring you an incredible conversation about what to look out for, how to embody your ‘snake’ energy and step up with courage, confidence, and bring your soul purpose into being.
Real Talk: My Biggest Challenge Right Now—And How I’m Navigating It
This is a real personal episode today and I am probably going to have a ‘vulnerability hangover’ after this one. But here goes… Come behind the scenes and here some real talk. Today I am sharing my biggest challenge right now and how I am navigating it. It’s juicy. It’s real. And there are loads of nuggets of wisdom in here that I think you’ll love.
Perfectionists, This One’s For YOU!
Perfectionists, this one is for you! But perhaps this isn’t the episode you THINK it will be. This one is about embracing your perfectionist ways because I truly believe we need to celebrate that in you MORE. What you’ll also here in today's conversation though is how to find more joy, presence, and self-compassion along the way. So that your perfectionism doesn’t rob you of joy, fulfillment and the ultimate success. I’m excited for you to listen to this one today!
How To Feel Wildly Worthy To Go After Your Dreams in 2025
If you want to feel more worthy of your dreams and overcome the obstacles holding you back from your desires this year, then THIS is the ep for you today! How to Feel Wildly Worthy in 2025! Let's go!
2025 - My WORD & Intentions + My Greatest Lessons From Last Year
We’re kicking off 2025 with a juicy personal episode from me today sharing my reflections and greatest lessons from 2024 and then my WORD - or should I say ‘WORDS’ for 2025 and some of my personal and business intentions for the year ahead. I’m excited for this one and a little nervous as I share some big personal lessons and dreams! But in the spirit of being 100% authentic and unapologetic this year… here we go…
The Secret To Winning The End Of Year + Starting Strong in 2025
I am sharing the secret to winning the end of 2024 and how to start strong in 2025. I am guiding you through my own personal reflective process that I doing for myself this year and it’s yours to keep and come back to when you’ve craved out some space and time over the next few weeks to pause, reflect, take the lessons and celebrate yourself for the year that’s been!
How To Maximise Your Productivity & Have More Impact with Sarah Wood
Discover how to boost productivity without burning out! Sarah shares insights on achieving more while prioritising your well-being, backed by psychology and personal experience.
How To Stop People Pleasing
If you’re the “Yes Person” or forever overcommitting, helping everyone else, and have a hard time saying ‘No’ when you really mean No, then this one’s for you! In todays episode we’ll talk more about what people pleasing actually is, some of the key signs you’re a People Pleaser and how you can identify the root cause of your people pleasing and turn that around!
The Key To Building Confidence That No One Ever Talks About
In today’s episode, we’re diving into a topic that doesn’t get nearly enough attention when it comes to confidence-building: the role of self-compassion. We often think confidence is about achieving more, being fearless, or silencing self-doubt. But what if the real key to unstoppable confidence was rooted in kindness—toward yourself?
The 3 Most Common Confidence Blocks & How To Overcome Them
There are three things I’ve seen over many years of coaching clients build inner confidence and self-belief and it’s these three! Tune in to today’s episode to uncover which one is blocking YOU from feeling your most confident self and holding you back from what you want in life. And if you’re here, if you’ve click THIS episode, then chances are The Confidence Code will be wildly supportive for you in creating inner confidence + connection where I’ll teach you exactly how to overcome any and all of the blocks that are holding you back!
The Confidence Code - JOIN US!
Do you often hold yourself back in fear and self doubt and wish you could finally get over that so you could actually live into your potential? THE CONFIDENCE CODE IS FOR YOU! The programme to create true inner confidence and connection, and share your authentic magic with the world. Tune into todays episode and here all about how you can start building more self-confidence in who you are and the confidence to go after what you want and create a life you love!
How To Be Confident & Go After Everything You've Ever Wanted!
This work changed my life. There was a ‘before this work’ Evie and a ‘after this work Evie’. And to be totally honest it was subtle. But when I started to do the inner work on myself, learn about myself, build more confidence, trust and self-compassion, and reclaim my worth, THEN life really opened up for me! And I would love to share this with you too! Today we’re debunking some of the myths about confidence and where true inner confidence comes from, + how YOU can start to feel more confident and go after everything you’ve ever wanted!
Doubting Yourself? Here's How To Overcome It
Do you find yourself letting self-doubt creep in? Do you question yourself and your decisions often? Overthink everything? Find decision-making tricky? And often wish someone else could reassure you and tell you what to do and that you’re doing great? Then this one is for you!
3 Strategies Working Really Well Right Now
I’ve been reflecting on my current launch for The Strategy & Soul Mastermind and the recent launch of Runway To 1K a couple of months ago and wanted to share my insights into what’s working really well online for service-based businesses. These are also things that are working really well for my clients at the moment and I wanted to share them with you so you can go implement these and get inspired again about what’s possible and what’s ACTUALLY important in business, so you can create more impact doing what you love.
If I Wanted More Clients, Here’s What I’d Do…
The question on every business owner's mind… How Do I Get More Clients?? I thought it would be fun to walk you through some of the key things that I would do and that I coach clients through to support them to call in with more clients and sell out their offers. What’s even better, is that this episode is walking you through a step-by-step process of how one of my clients went from launching her business with no clients to becoming fully booked for her 1:1 offer and expanding into a group offer soon.
From $0 to $6million In 6 Years with Brook Thomson
I am so excited to share Brook’s inspiring story with you all today from dropping out of high school to now a multi-million dollar business owner! Yes you heard that right! Brook is my wonderful Husband and Business Partner and I ask him all the juicy questions about how he did it, what he attributes his success to, about failure and his relationship with taking risks in business, as well as some of his biggest lessons to date. There are so many nuggets of gold in here for you all and I’m so excited for you to take a listen!
Business YOUR Way
There is a new way of doing business and it’s this…Business YOUR way! Not some cookie-cutter strategy and business model. I’m talking about building and growing a business that makes incredible impact and income for you where your authenticity, your gifts, your magic, your strengths, and your mission or version of success are forefront of mind. And that’s what we’re diving into today on the podcast - doing business in an authentic and aligned way. Let me show you how!